Chatbots for Business : Why We Need them ? [Infographic]

Chatbots are the computer programs that are designed in such a way to make conversation with the human in a real way. It is one of of the major hot topics in the artificial intelligence field. It believed that more than 70% of the markets integrated with the chatbot. In fact, Most of the chatbots for the business built in the e-commerce, Insurance, Healthcare, and Retail sectors. Before the year 2015, chatbot was less discussed. Most of the people come to know about chatbot after the year 2016.

You can see the google trend of the search topic “chatbot” for the last five years. 2016 was the year that is showing the increasing trend of the chatbot.

Chatbots for Business: Google Trends

Therefore its a win situation for developers like you to start learning and building the chatbot applications. After reading the article, you will know why and where are chatbot is using in businesses.

You will learn the following topics.

What are Chatbots ?: A Short Introduction
Various Types of Current Chatbots for Business
What are the things chatbot can do?
The requirements for building the chatbot
What are the challenges for creating chatbots for business?

Before reading the entire post, You can view the video for the interactive learning.

What are Chatbots ?: A Short Introduction

Chatbots are conversational computer programs that make you able to do text or audio messages with the computer bots. For example when you ask some questions to the chatbot, then they will understand the written text or audio messages. After that, they will find the relevant information and deliver it to the questioners. It seems very easy for the user, but its terrible things are working inside the back end.  However, there are some best Chatbot APIs that make an outstanding artificial intelligence or machine learning chatbot platform. Some of them are the followings.

  1. IBM Watson
  2. Dialogflow
  3. Amazon Lex
  5. Microsoft Luis

If you want to learn all these above APIs in details, then the article  Know the Underline Technology behind Artificial Intelligence Chat Bot will be helpful.

Various Types of Current Chatbots for Business

There can be different types of chatbots currently available in the market. But it is wholly based on the business requirements. Some use simple chatbots for business and some AI powered chatbots. Thus we can classify chatbot into two types.

Simple or command based Chatbot

This chatbot is very simple. It already contains all the questions and answers in the database. When the user asks the questions, and the chatbot answer directly after matching the questions. If the question does not match to the database, then it will answer ” Sorry, I am unable to get your questions ” or ” type the correct questions ” or other ways as the chatbot is programmed. Below are the features of the simple chatbot.

  1. There are limited sets of questions and answers programmed by the developers.
  2. Manual intervention is required when the chatbot is unable to find the answers.
  3. It cannot perform the functions outside the code.
  4. It uses search template for understanding the question and answering it.

One significant disadvantage of the simple chatbot is that it is unable to learn from previous questions and answers. Therefore it is suited or mostly give explanations for the generally asked questions by the users.



Artifical Intelligence or Machine Learning or Smart Chatbot


As from the name you can understand this type of chatbot is AI or machine learning powered. You can also call it as smart chatbot. This bot uses natural language processing for recognising the questions and give answers according to it. The questions and answers also recorded for the future use. This type of chatbot uses machine learning for learning the previous questions and answers. It helps them to expand the knowledge base of chatbot to give adequate and clear answers to the user.
The feature of the AI chatbot is the following.

  1. It becomes smarter with time due to machine learning. Questions and replies recorded for the future processing.
  2. This chatbot if unable to find the answers then it can give detailed suggestions on the asked questions.

There is only one significant disadvantage you can face while building smart chatbot That is need of large sets of data for training your bot. It means more the trained data quicker the bot.

What are the things chatbot can do?

Chatbots are bots that are customised to perform specific tasks. There are many things chatbot can do. Some of them are customer interaction and improving the shopping experience. When you want to know something about the service or product, then their companies make an FAQ(Frequently Asked Questions ) bot. Just ask the questions and bot will answer most of the issues. In the same way, it also improves the customer shopping experience. For example, you add the products to the cart, then chatbot will send all the information to the sales department, and they will process your orders. It will also remember your pass orders preference and will remind that information when you again come back to the shop. Thus it’s a win-win situation for the business to integrate the chatbots in their companies.

The requirements for building the chatbot

The chatbot is not useful if you start building it without knowing the specifications. Before you begin making chatbots for business the following questions you should ask yourself.

What is the purpose of the chatbot?

In this question, you have to find the purposes or goals of the chatbot. What are the tasks you want in the chatbot to perform? You have to make a list of the functions to integrate inside the chatbot.

Which platforms will customers interact?

After deciding the purposes of the chatbots for business, you have to determine the platform to interact with the customers. It can be your website, mobile applications, Facebook, Whatsapp messenger and other messaging platforms.

Creation and launch of the chatbot

The answers to the above question will be helpful for leading the right direction of chatbot creation and its launching. You will create your algorithms for actions and will develop a questions and answers database for the chatbot. Then you will take a further step to launch the chatbot for your potential customers.

Pre-Built Chatbot Platforms

There are various pre-built chatbot platforms you can use to build your chatbot. It reduces the time of development of entirely new chatbot platform. Most of the listed platform is free for the basic uses.


It is professional chatbot builder platform. You can build the chatbot without any coding experience.  Their AI understands the user requests and answers them. One of the main features I like about chatbot is that it can integrate with almost all major social networks like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube e.t.c. It is freely available to use. But for the additional feature, you have to pay 30$ per month.


It is the platform for making custom chatbots for Facebook and Slack. It understands both the text and voice request and answers them. ChattyPeople builds the AI powered chatbots. Its also require no coding experience. It is free for the basic users.


Suppose you are in the marketing business. Then this pre-built chatbot platform is for you. It is the chatbot for conversational marketing for increasing sales and leads. It uses NLP(Natural Language Processing) for making the chatbot more realistic. Price of this platform is very high. Its base price is 900$ per month.


You will be able to create a chatbot without any condign experience. It has drag and drop features and offers various plugins that allow you to integrate easily like RSS feed and JSON. The result chatbot will be AI, and Machine learning powered. Up to 1 chatbot, it is free. Price varies from the basic 10$ to business 50$ per month. You can save more if you go for the yearly rate.

All the above chatbots are pre-built platforms. You can make your program If you want. Then you should Know the Underline Technology behind Artificial Intelligence Chat Bot.

What are the challenges for creating chatbots for business?

Chatbots customised in different ways for the different business. There is various challenges market can face while creating their chatbot, but the main difficulty is to understand the language of the customers. That is how the customers communicate with the bot. There are more than 190+ countries in the world. People’s way to communicate with each other depends upon their location, mood e.t.c. Therefore you to design the chatbot in such a way that it can understand all the things user types. Thus, you have to make a massive set of database and to train the data is the primary challenge every business is facing while integrating the chatbot.

End Notes

Just like IOT are integrated with mostly hardware for increasing efficiency. In the same way, You can think chatbots for business as the efficiency of customers interaction. It is one of the hot and trending topics in the artificial intelligence field. You will see forthcoming years nearly all the business will integrate chatbot for improving the customer experience. Chatbots can be smart or straightforward. Most of the company requires intelligent chatbot. Smart or Artificial Intelligence powered chatbot perform most of the tasks without making a human intervention. But the significant challenges while building these chatbots are the training of the data received from the customers. It requires a lot of efforts.

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Chatbots for business Infographic

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